Quick response manufacturing sprearheading the era of personalized production

In the dynamic world of manufacturing, the shift towards customization and personalization is more than just a trend—it’s a revolution.

At the forefront of this transformation is Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM), a strategy that responds to the modern consumer’s expectation for bespoke products. This post delves into the historical evolution of QRM and its profound impact on how manufacturers operate in today’s market.

The rise of consumer-driven customization

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all.


Today’s consumers seek products tailored to their unique preferences, driving manufacturers to shift from mass production to high mix, low volume strategies.


This approach not only meets consumer demands but also offers a competitive edge in the fast-paced digital marketplace, where customers will readily find alternatives if their needs aren’t met.

Growing need for customization

Quick Response Manufacturing emerged as a response to the growing need for speed and customization in manufacturing.

By reducing internal and external lead times, QRM enables manufacturers to offer a variety of customized products efficiently, aligning perfectly with the current consumer expectation for personalization.

For those new to this concept, our introductory post, “Understanding Quick Response Manufacturing: Key Concepts and Basics,” provides a comprehensive overview of the QRM methodology, its origins, and foundational principles. 

The strategic choice: high mix, low volume production

The four core concepts of QRM
embrace a high mix, low volume (HMLV) production strategy, is not just a manufacturing adjustment; it’s a strategic decision.


This method allows manufacturers to cater to individual customer demands while maintaining quality and efficiency, crucial for staying relevant in the current market.

QRM in the age of customization

As we navigate the age of customization, QRM stands as a key player in helping manufacturers adapt to these changes. Its principles of reducing lead times and focusing on customer-specific demands are more relevant than ever.


This strategic approach does not only address the current needs but also positions manufacturers for future success.

Looking ahead: QRM and lean manufacturing

Quick Response Manufacturing has evolved from a mere methodology to a strategic necessity in the age of customization. By adopting QRM, manufacturers are not just responding to current market demands; they are proactively shaping their future, ensuring that they remain competitive and relevant in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Learn how QRM makes a difference!

Discover the impact of Quick Response Manufacturing on your shopfloor

Digitalizing your operations and shop floor is the first step towards implementing Industry 4.0.

Talk to our experts and find out how to get started.


24Flow is a modular operations platform that empowers discrete manufacturers to reduce lead times through digital support of operators and management. Inspired by lean and QRM, 24Flow controls the flow of production orders which increases visibility and results in shorter lead times, improved delivery reliability and a reduction of work-in-progress and inventory.




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